Critical Illness Insurance |

Critical Illness Insurance is granted for a period of one year. The premium granted for a one-year period may be adjusted by the Company. Following approval of the adjustment process, the amendment will be implemented on the date of termination of the critical disease insurance coverage.
At the time of the realization of the risk, the company pays the compensation amount stated on the policy or endorsement to the insured within the framework of the special conditions of the obligation coverage and the general conditions of the insurance policy on a later date of the start of the insurance when one of the dangerous diseases described in detail below is presented with a written proof that he/she has been diagnosed for the first time in his/her life or has been operated. The start date of the insurance is 90 days from the start date of the policy, if the insurance is given with an endorsement; the start date is 90 days after the start date of the endorsement. In the event that this insurance is continued with the same conditions on an annual basis, the coverage starts without a period of 90 days. At the end of the 30 day period from the date of the definitive diagnosis of the diseases covered, the insured is paid if he/she is still alive. If the insured dies within 30 days, no critical illness compensation is paid.
The critical illness coverage ends directly after the payment of compensation.
This coverage is valid for Myocardial Infarction, Heart Surgery due to Coronary Artery Disease, Disease-Related Stroke, Cancer, Kidney Failure, Important Organ Transplant Surgery, Arm and Leg Loss, Blindness and Multiple Sclerosis.
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